Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Big Boy

Ward Beasley turned 2 yesterday!  He might be the most precious child ever!  Heath and Scott hosted an ice cream party at the park and half of Dallas came to celebrate Ward....such a great day.  He got a ton of tonka trucks and golf toys, but was too tired to open gifts tonight.  He literally asked me to put him to bed as soon as we got home-he was worn out from feeling so special all day.  There is no better way to end your birthday than to cuddle up in your DUKE pajamas and snuggle in tight :)

Truck and legos from EE!  I know what my boy likes!

PS...this picture was taken at 10:30pm after 3 hours of attempting to fall asleep.  I think the 750 gummie bears and ice cream put him on a sugar high that he couldn't overcome! 

1 comment:

  1. My heart sings when I see you and Heath together........again.So glad that you are able to enjoy the milestones in her life.....once again!

    Mama loves you!
