Moving to Dallas has been really exciting but hard at the same time. However, the little things along the way have made it managable and made this transition almost seamless.
I always say "I'd take a hand written note over diamonds any day" and I seriously mean that. I have kept these cards with me at all times and read them over and over again....
Living with the Beasleys is almost too good to be true. You cannot put a price on "feeling at home." Last night, Heath and I were kicked back on the couch watching the Bachelorette and I felt right at home. The fact that they have the most adorable house in all of Dallas doesn't hurt, but I love waking up everyday with the Beasley family!
Sometimes Sarah Kassouf sends me emails that say "tell me with one sentence how you feel right now." She makes check in and keeps it real and I really need that. She also reminds me that she moved away too, and it's so refreshing to know that I'm doing something she has already done!
I get a text every morning from Emily Dawson at 6am...I have for the past week. She literally wakes me up everyday with a reminder that she is thinking about me and praying for me. It's pretty much the best way ever to start my mornings.
Mom and Dad have upped their texting game and are keeping in touch excellently through text. Hearing from home never gets old.
Robyn sends me pictures of Gabe so that I don't miss out on how adorable he is!
Skyping with Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds is a breath of fresh air.
Mike Caiola being able to make me laugh every single time I talk to him is almost my favorite part of my day. "Emily, you left NC 5 days ago and you have only made it 5 hours down the road!" -M.C.
Any and all emails, phone calls, texts, etc have meant the world to me...YOU are my survival kit.
Love you to the moon and back!
Let me know when you get an address!!!! And by the way you look good in blue :) Liz