Friday, June 29, 2012

The Standard Pour

Friday night...ventured to Uptown, The Standard Pour.  Great spot with quirky food and unique drinks.  The lobster nachos and moscow mule would be my suggestions!

Meet sweet little Dallas friend!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Foot in the door

As far as work is concerned, I have 30 accounts in Dallas that I work of them is Lennox International....the company that Bradley recently started working for.  I have been trying to get in the door to meet with them, and I scheduled a meeting with them today.  The lady was very clear that she could only meet with me from 1:00-1:30.  As soon as I sat down I told her that my brother worked for Lennox and her face lit up...long story short, I was there until 3:15.  Thanks for the foot in the door, Bradley!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Aint Love Grand

I can't think of a better reason to go back home to visit NC than to celebrate Bradley and Allie's engagement!  My plane ticket has been booked for months and I've been looking so forward to June 23.  This past weekend was full of celebration, friends, and family.  We spent the weekend celebrating the upcoming wedding and my Dad's 57th birthday!  As if the weekend wasn't perfect enough, God sprinkled a little extra sugar on top and it just so happened that Lauren and her family were in Charlotte so I got a quick visit with them too!

 Looking so forward to Allie being my sister-in-law

Bradley and Abby took us to their regular workout...9 Round Gym...great workout!

Bradley and Dad with 2 groomsmen, Kyle and Wes!  Love these Elon boys.

The Southern Fest.  Dress Code:  Snappy Casual

New siblings

The Utz Fam and The Young Fam

The precious bride and groom to be

So thankful for our family that came to celebrate!!

Lauren and Waylon--such a treat.

There is nothing in the world like being in the midst of's good for the soul!  I loved every second of the weekend, but it did feel really good to come back to Dallas.  I was almost afraid that I wouldn't want to leave, but I was so excited to feel that I missed Dallas and looked forward to getting back here.  I am slowly but surely making this my home for now, and I love the "new normal" of flying to NC for visits and coming "home" to TX. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

30 Day Update

Grab a cup of coffee, settle in, this is a long one!

Today marks 1 month since I moved to Dallas.  It's hard to believe how much 30 days can change things.  First, I absolutely love this place...Dallas is wonderful in so many ways.  It is as hot as the equator, but we deal with the heat and just spend lots of time at the pool.

95% of the time, things are just peachy, but I would be lying if I said that there aren't days that are hard.  I sometimes wonder what the heck I am doing here or why I ever moved.  Why did I leave behind my most treasured friendships and move to Texas?  Why did I leave Raleigh...the place that was central to all of my family members?  Why did I leave everything that was comfortable and familiar and trade it in for uncomfortable and unfamiliar?  I don't know the answer to any of those questions, but I know that God is doing some big stuff in this little life of mine, and that I can't wait to watch His plan unfold!  When days get long and things seem hard or challenging, I seriously RUN to this book.  It has been such a great source of encouragement and I absolutely love it.  If you don't own this book yet, buy it.  Or become friends with Jenni Cockerham and she will buy it for you! 

They say that the "3 little words" that are the sweetest are "I love you."  And, although, those 3 little words never get old, I would venture to say that my favorite "3 little words" are "I miss you."  I am afraid that I overuse that phrase, but it is so true.  I have never lived so far away from "my world"....that precious family of mine and that adorable circle of people that I call friends.  To learn what it feels like to miss them is such a bittersweet adventure.  Some of those "goodbyes" are still so fresh on my mind and are moments I will remember forever.  Lindsey Ogus and I sat on my bed for what seemed like hours just not wanting to say goodbye, and when I think about her sweet little face, I still think about that moment.  It sounds sad, but really, I'm grateful that I have friendships like that that are worth missing.  There are now a few hundred miles between me and people that own my heart... it feels good to know that those few hundred miles can't shake us! I looked out the window one night and wrote a letter to all of it is...and I mean it. 

You know, there is a huge difference between missing an adult and missing a child.  I've learned that missing my family and friends is simply my way of acknowledging my desire to be around people that I love.  But, missing a child is so different....different because I miss them in a way that makes me not want to miss one second of their life.  Moving away has taught me to be overly thankful for so many things, one being that I got to live just a few hours down the road from Lauren Ponder and her precious children.  Waylon and I have a "friendship" that I almost can't describe.  Of course I want to see her and play with her, but I also want to be around her during every new stage of her life.  I miss that child so much that it hurts sometimes.  I have saved a few videos on my phone of her talking or being hilarious, and I often lay in bed at night and watch them.  She is not only the cutest baby ever, but also hysterical!  Her mom promises me that she reminds her often that "Em loves her so much and misses her so much and will see her soon!" 

When I need a little taste of home, facetime is as good as it gets! 
These "calls" are often the highlights of my days!

Sarah Kassouf--we usually just sit in silence, stare at each other, and smile.  Sometimes we use words.

Emily Nance--like this picture illustrates, we spend the majority of time dying laughing because we are:
1) laughing at ourselves, our cats, and recapping our hilarious texts from earlier that day
2)making fun of something/someone
3)being awesome Emily's

Gabe Richardson--I do most of the talking with this one.  He is new to the world, and not quite ready for Face Time, but we're learning.  This nugget has my heart :)

Robyn Richardson--sometimes I talk to her after I get off the phone with Gabe.  She will kill me for posting this pic, but it's so typical that she is kinda picking her nose!  I love my Bina, hearing her voice is good for my soul. 

Life in Dallas looks like this:  Heath, Scott, and Ward Beasley let me live with them for my first few weeks in Dallas.  I am beyond thankful that they opened their house to me and allowed me to adjust slowly to this new place.  Coming home to a family each night is such a treat, and living with a 2 year old is really fun because I don't do any of the hard parts!  Ward comes in my room in the mornings and hugs my neck and picks out my jewelry for the day by dumping it all out of the jewelry box!  He has learned to call me "EE," the name that Odd coined for me when she was a baby, and it makes my heart so happy everytime I hear him say it! 

I love him because he is hilarious....and anything can be turned into a "toy"

 And because we're best buds!

I knew that I would love being "roommates" with Heath, but I have to admit that being "housemates" with Scott is a pretty big treat too.  I love watching how excited Ward gets everyday when Scott walks in the door from work.  And, I have to give him credit for leaving Heath and I alone for 2 hours every Monday night so we can watch The Bachelorette!  This is the view I get of Scott at the end of the day...such a typical hard-working Dad...I love it!

I have moved into a place of my own's one street away from the Beasley's!  I have officially opened the invitation to have visitors now that I have my own house, so feel free to come check out have a place to stay!  My sweet sweet sweet friend, Ali Warren, quickly jumped on this invitation and is coming to spend a week with me over July 4th!  I cannot wait to have my girl come check out the Big D!

Work is amazing--I keep telling people "I was made for this job!"  I am working with 3 others in the Dallas training center and doing outside sales.  I go visit my clients, take them out to lunch, and meet with them on a weekly basis.  It is such a treat to actually get to meet with these customers face to face, that is by far my favorite part.

The storms in Dallas are incredible.  Even the rain seems more intense, and sometimes scary, but they keep telling me "welcome to Texas, honey...this is just wait."  We had an unbelievable hail storm the other night--it did so much damage to cars that some were totaled from the hail alone! 

I have found a church that I love--it's called Watermark.  It is a huge church with thousands of people, and God is doing some big things in that place.  Dallas is full of people that are craving to know Jesus, and I love walking in there and being surrounded by that!  I'm involved in a Tuesday night group called The Porch for people in their 20's and 30's and it is such a reminder of how big this city is when there are hundreds of people that show up every Tuesday night. 

The shopping in Dallas if phenomenial.  My favorites spots are the Bloomingdales Outlet, Off Saks Outlet, Lulu Lemon, and the Tory Buch store!  So far, these are my favorite purchase :) My mom is coming to visit in July, and I can't wait to take her to all the "Dallas Chic" shops!

Heath and I love to go on walks, and taking strolls around her neighborhood is often the sweetest time of my day.  We have been best friends since middle school, and to be able to walk and talk with my friend at the close of the day is a gift!  Heath and I haven't lived in the same city since 2000, so 12 years of visiting is long enough--I am so thankful to be doing life beside her!  We ventured over to The Katy Trail, a trail that is lined with old trees that provide shade from the Dallas's quickly becoming one of my favorite spots!

The Katy Trail

That's about it, folks.  This city is full of great people, great restaurants, great churches, great hot spots, great entertainment, and I'm sure I've only scratched the surface...stay tuned for more to come!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

The Annual Dallas Father's Day Basketball Tournament....such a sweet little Father's Day tradition!

Scott is a Duke fan, therefore, he plays like a Duke player...baller. 


When the man that I celebrate on Father's Day is as amazing as Jack Utz, all I want to do is spend the day with him.  It makes me wonder why this day only comes around once a year....

I hate being hundreds of miles away from my Dad today, but on this virtual Father's Day, I'm sending HUGS AS BIG AS TEXAS to my pops...the Dad that leads our family, loves his daughters perfectly, shows his son how to be a man, and adores his wife.

I've never lost a "my dad is cooler than your dad" argument....ever.

I love you, Dad. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Guess who?

If you know me at all, you know that I am a gal that has to shower every single day.  A lot of girls can go a day or 2 without a shower, but not me, I look disgusting if I don't shower EVERY morning.  Heath has even told me that she can't believe how often I shower...sometimes twice a day.  Whatever, I don't have the kind of hair that still looks good after 1-2 days of not being washed.

With that being said, today was one of those rare days that I didn't shower.  I worked from home today and roughed it.  I had bible study tonight, so I threw on some workout clothes and headed out the door....lookin a hot mess.

Walked in, sat down, looked across the isle, and saw a familiar face.  Yes, it was Sean from the Bachelorette.  If you don't know who he is, you don't watch enough trashy TV. 

OF COURSE I didn't shower on the day that I sit across the isle from the most eligible bachelor in Dallas.

Dallas, 1. 
Emily, 0. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10

June 10th is here.  Hard to believe. 

Things in Dallas feel very normal.  Life here is slowly happening.  Work is going great and I have some confidence in my ability to do well at this job, which confirms that moving here was the right move!  I love the people I work with, I love the flexiblity of my workdays, and I love meeting new clients every week.  Being in outside sales has forced me to learn how to navigate this city, and for that, I'm thankful. 

It puts me at rest that I know my way around and that there is a chance that I might walk into a store and see someone that I know.  I've frequented the local shopping center, the local grocery store, the local pool, and the local church...and some of the faces are starting to repeat. 

It's funny how much a familiar face can make you feel "at home."  Funny how God knows that too.  About 10 years ago, I had a friend in Raleigh named Katie.  Katie and I hung out with the same circle of friends, were involved in Young Life together, and ran in the same social scene.  Katie got married and moved away, and our lives drifted apart.  Fast forward to this week, Katie and her husband moved to Dallas and live just a few blocks from me!  I got to see Katie this week and meet her husband and son, Hudson. 

I have settled into my routine.  Having Bradley visit was a huge treat. Some friends are  "on their way" out here, and I look really forward to showing them around this city that I'm starting to feel aquainted with!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bradley is Here!

Bradley has been in Dallas this week, and it has been such a treat to have a partner in crime to explore my new city with.  (Mom, I know I shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition, but it's late and I don't feel like rewording it)

I have literally been parked in the parking lot of his hotel everyday waiting for him to get off work so that we can go out and "see Dallas!"  He had plans to come home and have some down time after his long days at the office....maybe get in a workout, catch up with Allie on the phone, or maybe just have a minute or two to sit down, but I had other plans.  And  being the good sport that he is, we quickly made our way to Uptown to see the sights and try new places.  We walked the streets of Uptown and loved every minute of it.  Bradley can agree, Dallas is an awesome city!

Heath and Scott got a babysitter tonight and we all went to dinner- Tex Mex - and had a blast.  Topics of conversation:  Duke basketball, in-laws, wedding do's and don't's, siblings, family, holidays before and after marriage! 

These last few days have been an unbelievable treat!  It just seems to get better and better!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Picked up Bradley.
Had a cocktail at the Black Friar.
Got misted.
Walked to the Nodding Donkey for dinner.
Laughed so hard that my stomach hurts.
Took Bradley home. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Thankful for him...

This little man  brings a HUGE smile to my face EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  A few of my favorite moments are:  when he gets a running start to come hug me, when he uses baby sign language to ask for things, when I hear his little feet running around the house as soon as he wakes up in the mornings, how he takes HUGE bites of his food no matter what, how he waits for his Dad to get home from work everyday and greets him with love, how he gets snuggly when it's time to read a book, how he gets so nervous when you "get him"...and the list goes on and on. 

Small sidenote...but Heath is seriously Mother-of-the-Year...goodness gracious!  You should see this girl in action :)  I keep telling her that she needs to write a  book or create a "how-to" video!


Sunday, June 3, 2012


My first visitor is coming to Dallas TODAY!  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't counting down...I. CANNOT. WAIT.  And even better, it's probably my first pick, my brother!

I have a long list of places to try and things to do, so he cannot get here fast enough! Stay tuned....

PS...hurry up, Bradley!

Hello June

How is it already June?  Everyone keeps warning me to saddle up for the hot weather that is on its way to Texas.  Someone told me the other day that Texas has 2 seasons...Summer and Not Summer.  June means that my cousins are graduating from high school, it's my Dad's birthday this month, Bradley and Allie have their first official wedding party, Sarah turns 30, and it's my first full month in Dallas. 

Heath and Scott flew to Phoenix this weekend for a wedding, so I had my first weekend in Dallas to figure things out on my own...SUCCESS!  I met the cutest and sweetest friend EVER last week, and we got pedicures in Uptown Dallas this weekend.  Then I celebrated the arrival of Kenley Ryan at a sip-and-see on Saturday afternoon.  My new boss, Bria, just had a baby and we've all been dying to see her!  Precious.

My new boss, Bria